With ColdFusion 9 debugging can be enabled on a page by page basis. This is super handy in a shared hosting environment where you don’t have access to the CFADMIN.
Step 1
Set debuggingipaddress and enablerobustexception in the THIS scope of your Application.cfc. You can use http://www.whatismyip.com if you don’t know your ip address.
<!--- define a debugging ip --->
<cfset this.debuggingipaddresses="xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx">
<!--- enable robust exception --->
<cfset this.enablerobustexception="yes">
Step 2
Enable show debug output at the top of your page’s code.
<!--- enable show debug output --->
<cfsetting showdebugoutput="true">
You should now see your debugging info appended to the page.
Just to verify!
You can verify debugging is enabled by outputting the value of IsDebugMode().
<!--- Is debugging on? Should be yes when showdebugoutput="true" --->