Adobe Dreamweaver Cleanup

I used Adobe Dreamweaver for probably close to a decade. I have since moved on to VSCode, but I still maintain several old sites built with Dreamweaver. Since no one in our organization uses Dreamweaver I finally decided it was time to remove the extra directories and files associated with Dreamweaver. This involved cleaning up both the server and my local Mac.

Following are instructions for removing Adobe Dreamweaver directories and files from a Windows server and a local Mac. I recommend logging and reviewing what’s being cleaned up before deleting, but if Danger is your middle name feel free to skip it.

Server Side (Windows)

Note: Server Side instructions assumes you are running the command(s) from the directory you want to clean up.

Directories (_baks,_notes,_mm,MMWIP)

Log all occurrences of the directories to c:\directories-log.txt

for /d /r . %d in (_baks,_notes,_mm,MMWIP) do @if exist "%d" echo "%d" > c:\directories-log.txt

Delete all occurrences of the directories

for /d /r . %d in (_baks,_notes,_mm,MMWIP) do @if exist "%d" rd /s/q "%d"

Files (*.LCK)

Log all occurrences of the files to c:\files-log.txt

dir /s/b *.LCK > c:\files-log.txt

Delete all occurrences of the files

del /f *.LCK

Local (Mac OSX)

Note: Local instructions assume you are running the command(s) on a directory you want to clean up located in /Users/developer/website

Directories (_baks,_notes,_mm,MMWIP)

Log all occurrences of the directories to ~/log.txt

find /Users/developer/website -name '_notes' -o -name '_baks' -o -name '_mm' -type d > ~/directories-log.txt

Unlock all files in the directories (to avoid “Operation not permitted” error on locked files)

find /Users/developer/website -name '_notes' -o -name '_baks' -o -name '_mm' -type d | xargs chflags -R nouchg

Delete all occurrences of the directories

find /Users/developer/website -name '_notes' -o -name '_baks' -o -name '_mm' -type d | xargs rm -rf

Files (*.LCK)

Log all occurrences of the files to ~/files.txt

find /Users/developer/website -name '*.LCK' -type f > ~/files-log.txt

Delete all occurrences of the files

find /Users/developer/website -name '*.LCK' -type f | xargs rm -rf

Helpful links and definitions of Raspberry Pi related hardware / software for the absolute beginner

Raspberry Pi First Boot
Here is the first boot up of my Raspberry Pi

The Raspberry Pi is basically a $25 computer (Model A) or a $35 computer (Model B) meant to encourage children to learn programming by providing an affordable computing platform that can drive all kinds of projects from controlling robots to running a media center on a tv. I am not a hardcore programmer so I bought one to tinker and encourage my inner programming child.

I bought the Model B because it has 512MB Ram, 2 USB ports, and an ethernet port. The model A has 256MB Ram, 1 USB port, and no ethernet port.

So far I have managed three tasks.

  1. I have booted up with a copy of Raspbian “Wheezy”, surfed the internet and installed a mail client.
  2. I have booted up with a copy of Raspbmc, added some music, and took XBMC for a test drive.
  3. I have installed XBMC Commander to my iPhone and controlled my Raspbmc installation by playing music, videos, etc. I had varying degrees of success with this task.

Rather than copy other people’s fine tutorials I am going to provide definitions of the different technologies, as defined at their site(s). Below the definitions are link(s) to the site(s).

Raspberry Pi

What is (a) Raspberry Pi

“The Raspberry Pi is a credit-card sized computer that plugs into your TV and a keyboard.”

Raspberry Pi Site

Task 1: Raspbian

What is Raspbian

“Raspbian is a free operating system based on Debian optimized for the Raspberry Pi hardware.”

Wheezy is the recommended starting distro. There is also a link below to a distro that uses the MATE desktop environement instead of the LXDE desktop environment that “Wheezy” uses.

Raspbian “wheezy”

Bootable Raspbian “Pisces+MATE” Image by Mike Thompson

Task 2: Raspbmc

What is Raspbmc?

“Raspbmc is a minimal Linux distribution based on Debian that brings XBMC to your Raspberry Pi.”

Raspbmc Site

Task 3: XBMC / XBMC Commander

What is XBMC?

“A Complete media center solution for Windows, OSX, Linux, and more!”


What is XBMC Commander?

“XBMC Commander is a remote control for the iPad especially designed to interact with XBMC, one of the most advanced open source media centers out there.” (There are iPhone and Adroid versions as well)

XBMC Commander Site

App Store Software – What the Description Really Means

I buy a lot of software.  A LOT OF SOFTWARE.  The following is my tongue-in-cheek assessment of App Store software descriptions.

Gorgeous / Stunning Graphics

We have a graphic artist.  We think her work is awesome.  Lots of companies have awesome graphic artists.  Many times they are pretty much as awesome.

Feature Rich

Our app is really complex.  We put a whole bunch of stuff into it.  Unfortunately the Pareto principle (80/20 Rule) likely applies.


Our app is really sparse.  We <3 Getting Real.  This may or may not be good for you depending on what we consider essential.

Our most awesome version to date

Our last version had bugs / was less than awesome.

Frequent Updates

See “Our most awesome version to date”.

Winner of the Blah Blah Blah Award

If it’s not an Oscar or a Grammy… well ok, if it’s not an Oscar be suspicious.

Using not() in jQuery to exclude a member of a class

This is just a quick tip I thought I throw out there. We have an application that applies a fade to a .alert class on all its pages. We have 2 pages that need to not fade one particular alert. Here is one way it can be handled.

  1. Add a class of .notfade to the alert that needs to stay put and not fade out:
    <div class="alert alert-info nofade"></div>
  2. Place the following in $().ready(): $(".alert").not(".notfade")fadeOut(7000);

RDS Query Viewer not working: How to fix the ColdFusion Builder error: ‘/YOURPROJECTFOLDER/.rdsTempFiles/RDS Query Viewer’ does not exist

I have had this issue for a while and it finally made me crazy enough to try to figure it out. It appears that this error occurs when the “RDS Query Viewer” file does not exist in the .rdsTempFiles folder within your project.

On Mac

  1. Open Terminal
  2. Navigate to the directory where your project is located. For example type: cd /Applications/ColdFusion9/wwwroot/YOURPROJECTFOLDER and hit <enter>
  3. If the “.rdsTempFiles” directory does not exist type: mkdir .rdsTempFiles and hit <enter>
  4. If the “RDS Query Viewer” file does not exist type: touch “.rdsTempFiles/RDS Query Viewer” and hit <enter>. BE SURE TO SURROUND THE COMMAND WITH THE DOUBLE QUOTES BECAUSE THE FILE NAME HAS SPACES.
  5. Refresh the “RDS Query Viewer” view. RDS Query View should work now.

On Windows

  1. Open DOS
  2. Navigate to the directory where your project is located. For example type: cd C:\ColdFusion9\wwwroot\YOURPROJECTFOLDER and hit <enter>
  3. If the “.rdsTempFiles” directory does not exist type: mkdir .rdsTempFiles\rdsTempFiles and hit <enter>
  4. If the “RDS Query Viewer” file does not exist type: fsutil file createnew “RDS Query Viewer” 0 and hit <enter>. BE SURE TO SURROUND THE COMMAND WITH THE DOUBLE QUOTES BECAUSE THE FILE NAME HAS SPACES.
  5. Refresh the “RDS Query Viewer” view. RDS Query View should work now.

Saving to a database with ColdFusion using jQuery

A commenter asked me how to extend a previous jQuery post to perform the database save via ColdFusion.  It is REALLY easy (and please keep in mind this is meant to be a SIMPLE example, not production code).  From the jQuery side my example only required the following code to ship the data off to ColdFusion:

function fSave(){
// Try to save
$.get("adduser.cfm?"+"you="+you , function(data){
// Result

The adduser.cfm page then validates and inserts the data and returns a success or failure message.

See it hereGet it here.

Use jQuery to enable submit button and set form action

I recently had to do a quick bit of coding to only accept data from a form if JavaScript was enabled.

This example starts with a form that has no action and a disabled submit button.  When jQuery’s .ready() fires though it enables the submit button and attaches the appropriate action.

Please note the example file is in ColdFusion so your mileage may vary slightly for your own use.

See it here | Get it here.