ACF Bug CF-4219348 (cfdirectory Filter: The importance of filter order)


This bug has been FIXED by Adobe in Build No: 2023.0.0.330651!

Filed as ACF bug CF-4219348.

This is not a bug in Lucee and functions as expected.

This demo illustrates the importance of filter order for cfdirectory in ACF.

A directory contains the following files:

  • this-is-a-doc.doc
  • this-is-a-docm.docm
  • this-is-a-docx.docx
  • this-is-a-xls.xls
  • this-is-a-xlsm.xlsm
  • this-is-a-xlsx.xlsx

The filter attribute of cfdirectory accepts a pipe delimited list. When a 3 digit file extension precedes a 4 digit file extension in the filter attribute of cfdirectory (and the extensions share the same first 3 characters) only files with the 3 digit extension are included. You could use an astericks () on the front and the back of the extension (.doc*) to retrieve both .doc and .docx, but this could also include additional files you don’t want to retrieve such as .docm files. The same is true for .xls, .xlsx, and .xlsm files.

Option 1: Filter (.doc|.docx|.xls|.xlsx): Returns 2 files: this-is-a-doc.doc, this-is-a-xls.xls


Option 2: Filter (.docx|.doc|.xlsx|.xls): Returns 4 files: this-is-a-doc.doc, this-is-a-docx.docx, this-is-a-xls.xls, this-is-a-xlsx.xlsx


Option 3: Filter(.doc|.xls): Returns 6 files: this-is-a-doc.doc, this-is-a-docm.docm, this-is-a-docx.docx, this-is-a-xls.xls, this-is-a-xlsm.xlsm, this-is-a-xlsx.xlsx


Code to Reproduce:

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