RDS Query Viewer not working: How to fix the ColdFusion Builder error: ‘/YOURPROJECTFOLDER/.rdsTempFiles/RDS Query Viewer’ does not exist

I have had this issue for a while and it finally made me crazy enough to try to figure it out. It appears that this error occurs when the “RDS Query Viewer” file does not exist in the .rdsTempFiles folder within your project.

On Mac

  1. Open Terminal
  2. Navigate to the directory where your project is located. For example type: cd /Applications/ColdFusion9/wwwroot/YOURPROJECTFOLDER and hit <enter>
  3. If the “.rdsTempFiles” directory does not exist type: mkdir .rdsTempFiles and hit <enter>
  4. If the “RDS Query Viewer” file does not exist type: touch “.rdsTempFiles/RDS Query Viewer” and hit <enter>. BE SURE TO SURROUND THE COMMAND WITH THE DOUBLE QUOTES BECAUSE THE FILE NAME HAS SPACES.
  5. Refresh the “RDS Query Viewer” view. RDS Query View should work now.

On Windows

  1. Open DOS
  2. Navigate to the directory where your project is located. For example type: cd C:\ColdFusion9\wwwroot\YOURPROJECTFOLDER and hit <enter>
  3. If the “.rdsTempFiles” directory does not exist type: mkdir .rdsTempFiles\rdsTempFiles and hit <enter>
  4. If the “RDS Query Viewer” file does not exist type: fsutil file createnew “RDS Query Viewer” 0 and hit <enter>. BE SURE TO SURROUND THE COMMAND WITH THE DOUBLE QUOTES BECAUSE THE FILE NAME HAS SPACES.
  5. Refresh the “RDS Query Viewer” view. RDS Query View should work now.

3 thoughts on “RDS Query Viewer not working: How to fix the ColdFusion Builder error: ‘/YOURPROJECTFOLDER/.rdsTempFiles/RDS Query Viewer’ does not exist”

  1. Thanks for this, Chris. I have a couple of thoughts to share that may help others finding this in the future, including perhaps the first commenter here if he still has the issue.

    First, we should note that unfortunately in your step 4 for Windows above, you fail to tell the fsutil to create the file in the newly created directory (like you do in the Linux step). Doh! 🙂 You have:

    fsutil file createnew “RDS Query Viewer” 0

    but it should be:

    fsutil file createnew “.rdsTempFiles\RDS Query Viewer” 0

    Once I did that, all worked as expected.

    Second, I’ll share one other oddity I hit, which may hit others. I had my RDS Viewer pointing to server A, and was at the time editing a file in project B, yet the error that appeared pointed to the project folder for project C. That was confusing, and I therefore had to create the folder and file above within THAT project C’s root folder…not the one I was assuming was in use, whose file I had open. Interesting, right? (And I add this because your steps refer to YOURPROJECTFOLDER.)

    But I’ll clarify that one should just look at the error shown in Builder when you try to use the RDS Query Viewer (or “show table contents”, see below). That error DOES in fact show the projectname where it’s looking for the file, and folks may notice in their case too that it’s NOT the folder they maybe assumed it should be. 🙂

    So I looked into this more closely and realized that what Builder is doing was that it was using whatever was the FIRST open project (in the Navigator on the left). As soon as I closed the first project, I then found that I was back to seeing the error, but it did at least indicate the folder of the only remaining project I had open, and I followed the steps above to create that file and folder within THAT project’s root.

    Hope that may help others still stumped after doing the above.

    And I’ll note that this was in CFBuilder 3. I find that in CFBuilder 2016 it seems to handle this problem better on its own, but sometimes this will still be needed.

    Finally, it may be worth noting for folks who find this that it applies when viewing a datasource within the RDS Dataview feature and when (assuming you have all configured well and can see your datasources), you click “RDS Query Viewer”. If you’re not seeing any datasources, that’s an entirely different problem outside the scope of this post. Same with if you may not know how to open the RDS Dataview view.)

    But I’ll add that the error Chris refers to (and this solution) applies as well when you can see your tables within a given datasource and right-click it to choose either “Show Table Contents”. (I’m adding that latter point and phrase to perhaps help someone searching for help on that to find this post.)

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