Hide .lck files (and others) in Aptana on the Mac

I’m test driving the Aptana Studio plugin for eclipse.¬† It looks very slick.¬† Just a quick “how to” note for hiding files (like Dreamweaver .lck files, hidden system files, etc) in the project window.

  • Click the Project Window Tab
  • Hit FN+CMD+F10
  • Select “Filters…” in the dialog that opens
  • Check the boxes beside all the types you want to hide
  • Click ‘Ok’

Pretty simple.¬† So why did it take me an hour to figure it out 😐

1 thought on “Hide .lck files (and others) in Aptana on the Mac”

  1. This is great, thanks! And don’t feel bad about it taking an hour, I’ve been using Eclipse since 2006 and Aptana since 2007 and still never knew this, even as I’ve filtered files from other Eclipse views :)!

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