
What I can do for you

Please note that these prices/turnaround times are basic guidelines. The actual cost of the project will be determined after the design consultation. The turnaround time may vary slightly based on current workload.

Service Static Dynamic Dynamic +
Cost † $500 $1000 $1500
Pages 1 - 10 1 - 20 1 - 30
Graphics Provided (optional) Y Y Y
Design Consultation 2 hours 2 hours 4 hours
Hosting * 6 months free 1 year free 1 year free
Database Apps ** N Y - Choice of 2 Y - Choice of 3
Download Management App N N Y
Forms *** 0 1 2
Turnaround (business days) 7-10 10-14 14-21

† Can be negotiated as hourly rate in some instances

* Hosting regular price: $150 annually

** Database App choices: News Bulletins, Employee Directory, Contact Manager, Basic Content Manager, Product Database

*** Forms submitting results via email